
The strategic plan was developed over the course of the 2023–2024 academic year by the Harvey Mudd College community. The phases of plan development are included in the timeline below.

November/December 2023: Preparatory Phase

  • Establish a Strategic Planning Committee consisting of key stakeholders, 包括教师, 工作人员, 学生, 校友及社区成员. Provide charge; define roles and responsibilities.
  • Strategic Plan Info Session – Nov. 30. (查看记录) (查看PPT幻灯片)
    • Why you (the community) need to be involved in this process.
      • First 100 days was not comprehensive.
      • Appreciation to all for the time we are all putting into this work.
    • Review timeline, share steering committee makeup, explain SOAR.
    • Lay out the number of 机会 and methods for feedback.
    • Preview survey to gather input on college values and 本质. Use the 100 days report and discussion feedback to develop questions; tailor for faculty, 工作人员, 学生, 校友, 父母, 受托人和朋友.

January 2024: Community Discussions

  • Discuss and seek alignment on the College’s values, 本质 and distinction.
  • An initial SOAR analysis to provide information to the 工作小组 on the College’s strengths, 机会, aspirations and expected results.
  • Two sessions offered—one in-person, one virtual; scheduled after classes are in session. 周二,1月. 23, 11 a.m.–noon in the Platt Center Green Room; 周二,1月. 23, 6–7 p.m. 通过放大.

February/March 2024: 工作小组

  • Each Working Group is asked to develop a three-page report in response to its charge and focus questions–that reflects the College’s values, 本质, 区别与SOAR分析.
  • 样品进度:
    • 2月第一周. 19 – attend focused SOAR sessions
    • 2月第一周. 26 – extract and group SOAR input most relevant to the charge and focus questions; convene and review focus questions
    • Week of March 4 – convene and discuss/prepare preliminary responses to focus questions
    • Week of March 18 – share drafts with the College community for feedback and refinement
    • Week of March 25 – convene and update/finalize report

April/May 2024: 指导委员会

  • The 指导委员会 will draft strategic goals and initiatives based on the Working Group reports.
  • 样品进度:
    • Week of March 4 – review SOAR input; convene and discuss future timeline
    • Week of April 1 – convene and draft strategic goals and initiatives based on the Working Group reports
    • Week of April 8 – convene with the 工作小组 to review draft
    • Week of April 15 – update and share draft College community for feedback
    • April 24 – Community-wide discussion. [Two sessions – one in person, one virtual; scheduled after classes are in session.]
      • 4月24日星期三上午11点.m.-中午在休息室
      • 4月24日星期三下午6点至7点.m. 通过放大
  • Revise the plan based on stakeholder input.


  • Integrate all feedback and finalize the strategic plan.
  • Develop a presentation for the board of trustees.

July 2024: Board of Trustees Preview

  • Present the plan to the board of trustees for initial feedback.
  • Make any adjustments based on trustee feedback.
  • Prepare for a more comprehensive presentation in October.


  • Make final refinements to the plan based on any additional feedback.
  • Develop a comprehensive plan presentation for the board of trustees.

September 2024: Board of Trustees Approval

  • Present the final strategic plan to the board of trustees for approval.
  • Obtain final approval from the board of trustees.

October 2024: Plan Implementation

  • Begin implementing the approved strategic plan.
  • Develop an implementation schedule and allocate resources accordingly.